York Central School District Pupil Registration/Registrar

York Central School District Registrar
Katelyn Coleman
Phone: 585-243-1730 x2216
Fax: 585-243-5269
Email: kcoleman@yorkcsd.org
Welcome Parents/Guardians:
We look forward to working with you with the process of registering your child/children at York Central School.
If you have recently moved to the York Central School District, if you are transferring from another school
(public/private), enrolling a pre-kindergarten or kindergarten student, it is important that you contact us as
soon as possible to schedule an appointment to register your child/children in school.
The process of registering a student takes some time with the many forms which must be completed and
reviewed by the appropriate personnel. Once a determination of registration is made, you will receive
notification of enrollment or declination.
Additional Requirements for Registration:
Certificate of birth (proof of age)
Proof of residency
Immunization record & proof of recent physical exam
Guardianship verification (Divorce & Custody Papers/Orders; custodial rights/legal guardianship)
Proof of address showing residency: Recent Utility Bill, Mortgage Agreement, Lease agreement (or if not
applicable, a notarized statement from landlord which must include the parent’s name, effective date of
occupancy and address of property).
**Additional Forms must be submitted in addition to the above requested documents:
Emergency Contact Information
Parent/Guardian Release Form for School Records (at previous school)
Please note that the required documents listed above must be made ready and available before you begin the
registration process.
ALL registration forms need to be completed and submitted to the District Registrar.
Please feel free to contact our District Registrar for assistance:
Mrs. Katelyn Coleman, District Registrar
Phone: 585-243-1730 x2216
Email: kcoleman@yorkcsd.org
Fax: 585-243-5269